Your Brain Doctor®

Accessible Neuro Health for Women = Your Brain Doctor

Women are key neurological health consumers.

Women represent more than 50% of the population and they are the majority of people who seek help for neurological problems. Furthermore, women have clear and present health risks based on their unique and specialized body function.

Yet, women still face unmet needs,  particularly when it comes to nervous system problems like migraine, stroke and depression.That's why women in particular can benefit from specialized health care guidance and navigation during specific and important stages of their lives.


A woman's brain is as unique as is the rest of her body.

The external and internal impacts on a women's body during her life span uniquely impacts her nervous system function. In other words, as the body changes, the nervous system reacts. Unfortunately this reaction is not always positive. Because of the way a women's body works, women utilize a large amount of health services, and in particular neurological health care.

Your Brain Doctor along with the Neuro E-Health ecosystem of services can provide just that for women at every stage of her life.

And there's more.

Your Brain DoctoRx ® is a specialized consult system specifically designed to help a woman and her health care team better solve her unmet needs when she is trying to cope with neurological problems.




Our dedicated communication system is time-sensitive and includes structured telephone, audio and video-sessions designed specifically for women with neurological disorders so that they can to get the right answers, at the right time, when and how they need them.